§ 22-27. Same—Special permission for temporary obstruction.  

Latest version.
  • Any person desiring to obstruct a street, sidewalk, public way or watercourse temporarily, such as during the course of building operations, may do so upon obtaining special permission from the parish council or its delegate. The parish council may impose such regulations as it deems appropriate in granting such permission, such as but not limited to:


    The extent or size of the obstruction.


    The maximum duration of the obstruction.


    The type of obstruction.


    Required safety precautions, such as barricades, lights, and warning devices.

    The violation of any such regulation shall be a misdemeanor punishable as provided in section 1-6 and furthermore shall be grounds for revocation of the permission.

(City Code 1965, § 20-2)

State law reference

Buildings encroaching on public ways, removal, R.S. 9:5627, C.C. art. 459; works obstructing the public use, C.C. art. 458.